ARM NEON Usage Note


SIMD, 即Single Instruction Multiple Data(单指令多数据)的并行操作。CPU 在处理向量数据时有它的局限性。CPU的优势在于处理复杂多变的指令,而对于那种大数据量的重复性操作,ARM 为了增加处理效率,增加了这种并行处理模块, 即NEON(Advanced SIMD)。主要是在ARMv7 架构后的处理器使用。

NEON 的主要 components:

  • NEON register file
  • NEON integer execute pipeline
  • NEON single-precision floating-point execute pipeline
  • NEON load/store and permute pipeline

NEON 指令和 floating-point 指令使用的是相同的 register file。不同于ARM core的register file。此 register file 可以以 32-bit, 64-bit, 128-bit 方式访问。 The contents of the NEON registers are vectors of elements of the same data type. A vector is divided into lanes and each lane contains a data value called an element. 通常NEON 并行操作数量n, 就等于vectors 拆分的lanes(通道)数。例如:

64-bit NEON vectors can contain:

  • —Eight 8-bit elements.
  • —Four 16-bit elements.
  • —Two 32-bit elements.
  • —One 64-bit element.

128-bit NEON vectors can contain:

  • —Sixteen 8-bit elements.
  • —Eight 16-bit elements.
  • —Four 32-bit elements.
  • —Two 64-bit elements.

NEON 单元总共的 register file 资源可以视作:

  • 16个 128-bit的 Q(quadword) 寄存器,Q0-Q15。
  • 32个 64-bit 的 D(Doubleword)寄存器,D0~D31。

NEON 指令通常有几种使用方式:

  • 使用预先用NEON 优化好的库, 主要是一些Mechine Learning 和 computer Vision的库。如: Ne10,libyuv, skia 等。
  • AutoVectorization ( 自动向量化编译器)
  • NEON intrinsics
  • NEON assembly

这里主要说一下 intrinsics  方式。


相较于 assambly模式, intrinsic 更易于使用和记忆

  • vector datatypeatatype

For example:

  • int16x4_t is a vector describes a vector of four 16-bit short int value

  • float32x4_t describes a vector of four 32-bit float values



struct int16x4x2_t{
int16x4_t val[2];

*   **Prototype of NEON intrinsics**


An additional q flag is provided to specify that the intrinsic operates on 128-bit vectors. For example:

*   vmul\_s16, multiplies two vectors of signed 16-bit values. This compiles to VMUL.I16 d2, d0, d1.
*   vaddl\_u8, is a long add of two 64-bit vectors containing unsigned 8-bit values, resulting in a 128-bit vector of unsigned 16-bit values. This compiles to VADDL.U8 q1, d0, d1.

*   **使用 NEON intrinsics**

Intrinsics that use the ‘q’ suffix usually operate on Q registers. Intrinsics without the ‘q’ suffix usually operate on D registers but some of these intrinsics might use Q registers.  
The examples below show different variants of the same intrinsic.

uint8x8_t vadd_u8(uint8x8_t a, uint8x8_t b);

The intrinsic vadd\_u8 does not have the ‘q’ suffix. In this case, the input and output vectors are 64-bit vectors, which use D registers.

uint8x16_t vaddq_u8(uint8x16_t a, uint8x16_t b);

The intrinsic vaddq\_u8 has the ‘q’ suffix, so the input and output vectors are 128-bit vectors, which use Q registers.

uint16x8_t vaddl_u8(uint8x8_t a, uint8x8_t b);

The intrinsic vaddl\_u8 does not have the ‘q’ suffix. In this case, the input vectors are 64-bit and output vector is 128-bit.

#include <arm_neon.h> uint32x4_t double_elements(uint32x4_t input){ return(vaddq_u32(input, input)); }

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